Thursday, March 13, 2025

First Quarter Check-In

Interweave is finished! I forgot to list it on my First Quarter Goal List. It has sat by my chair to be hand quilted since early January so I somehow overlooked it. But it is completed now, hand quilted, labeled, and finished! 

And another surprise is this is my first finish to report this year! (I've been so focused on the t-shirt quilt) My Interweave is a large throw size, measuring 69" x 79" and I used up: 6 yards of prints + 1/2 yard for binding + 5 yards for the backing = 11.5 yards of stash. 

I really loved making this quilt. I started it in 2022 and it hung in the closet waiting to be quilted all this time. The pattern is by Karen Griska and it was a fun and easy project of sewing into strip sets of varying widths. Those sets, when sewn together, make it easy because their different widths make no seams to match. The overall look is similar to Bonnie Hunter's Bitcoin. Well, kind of, but it was fun, nonetheless.


I pieced together some large scrap pieces of batting and stretched the whole sandwich on the kitchen floor to pin baste one evening. Slow progress is still progress and makes for a finished quilt eventually. 

And because it has been hand quilted, it is so soft and cuddly! Machine quilting can be beautiful, and I wouldn't get as many quilt tops finished into quilts without its help, but nothing compares to a soft hand quilted quilt. ♥


While I am here, I should report what else is going on in the sewing room and by the chair side. 

My darling grand daughter's t-shirt quilt is close to a complete finish. Just two more sides to stitch down the binding and then add the label. I am thrilled this quilt is nearly done. Hopefully by this weekend. It was heavy on my mind, stressing over getting it done in time for graduation, and just not familiar with the process.  I will post a story soon when it is completed.

My Hidden Log Cabin quilt has come back from the long arm quilters so once the t-shirt quilt's binding is done, I will attack this for a finish also. Aiming for having it done by March 31.

I recently joined a quilt guild and am so excited to be a part of this group! Such talented ladies!! Show and tell, challenges, workshops, yearly show, so much to keep up with. 

When I joined I was given a quarter yard of fabric for a challenge project. I have to use some of this fabric somewhere within my project. Hmm, my first thought was something using hexagons, but scratched that thinking it would take too long. The deadline is in May and it is approaching fast.  

Kwandi quilts have always intrigued me so I thought that would be a fairly quick project. Um, no! It has not been. It is harder than it looks because you must arrange the pieces just so in order to catch them with your stitching as you're going around the quilt top. Plus it is done in large stitches which is hard because my brain has been trained to make my stitches small. 

So everything about this quilt has been a challenge but I am making headway to get it done in time. Stay tuned for the end result. This was my original fabric pull. The center fabric with dress forms in the center is the feature fabric I must use.


And I must get busy on my On Ringo Lake soon. I want to display it at the quilt show in May. So it looks like I have a lot of hand work on my to-do list. Maybe this is a good time to take the machines in for a tune up! 

Happy stitching! And happy gardening. Things are beginning to wake up, including the bees, but that is not good news.


Friday, January 31, 2025

T-shirt Quilt is Complete

I can't express how happy I am that this is quilt top done. It has hung over me for months and I was afraid that it would take more months to get it to a flimsy stage. I took advantage of being closed-in because we recently had some very cold weather. So much was cancelled because of the risk of frostbite. Looking out the window was as close as I wanted to be in it. Brr.


I drove myself to work on nothing else for several days. Lots of non-stop cutting and sewing, and a large pot of vegetable beef soup simmering on the stove to satisfy empty stomachs. Isn't it great to have dinner plans covered?  Now I feel like a kid after finals week having this quilt top done! Yay!

It is so big I had to picture it in landscape mode. It measures 77" x 111" so it will lay over the foot of the bed for sure!

I learned a few things along the way. Besides the obvious - to interface everything! 

  • Cut all blocks larger than you expect you might need. I cut most everything at 14.5" and trimmed as I arranged the blocks.
  • I sashed most blocks as spacers. It helped joining different size blocks together. 
  • Press with a pressing cloth. I had a couple of oops! when my iron touched a few decals. Hopefully, no one will notice. 
  • I had a few partial seams so it took some forethought while assembling. 
This quilt is heavy. When I take it to my long-arm quilter, I am hoping we can skip batting and perhaps use minky backing. Oomph! I really so appreciate long-arm quilters!! I could never do what they do - especially my perceived nightmare of quilting this top. Praying all goes well for her because my granddaughter is looking forward to this. ♥

Oh what a mess this project made in my sewing room! I intend to give it a good cleaning once this quilt is out of the house. Then I can get back to my goals for this first quarter in 2025.

I was playing a bit of "fabric chicken" too - praying I would have enough navy fabric to finish. This is all I have leftover.


I ordered another yard for the binding. If it is not a perfect match it will be fine. My main concern was all the sashing would be from the same dye lot.

A few more pictures of the process. Just a few blocks cut.

And more as I placed them according to DGD's plan. I had a photograph of the placement to constantly check with.

So we are headed to the quilt shop for the big finish! I will likely be a week sewing the binding on which is something I love to do. 

It looks like I can check off this big goal for the quarter. If I get the binding on before the end of March it will be a complete finish. Done done!

And my Hidden Log Cabin should be back from the quilter soon so that will be done. 

Then on to the Strip It Earth. I hope to at least get that top done before March. I am debating how I will have it quilted.

And then there are all those squirrels. Merry Mayhem is having another "one day mystery" on February 8th. While the men are watching The Game, we can be putting a top together. Sounds like a win to me.

I also have my challenge piece I must have done and ready by May. I have not even started it, but I am brainstorming! I am so excited to be part of a thriving quilt group. Everyone is so friendly and sharing! And the talent of these ladies are amazing. I love the show and tell segment of our meetings. I hope my challenge piece does not embarrass me. :-)

I hope you are staying warm. And healthy, as there is so much flu and sickness spreading about. Another good reason to say home and sew.  Thank you for visiting me today. May your stitches be even and straight! 

Happy stitching!




Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Goals for 2025 - First Quarter

Don't you just love fresh starts? A new year is like a Mulligan for another, well, another new year! I always feel disappointed when I ask someone if they have made any resolutions. They too often reply with a no.

I often do not meet my goals either but find it great motivation to list them and shoot for achievement. So listed are a few goals I have for my efforts with needle and thread. 

These are my Top Fab Four goals for the first quarter in 2025. Reasonable goals I think that can surely be met. And I like narrowing these down to yearly quarters. I find it keeps me focused.

1. Hidden Log Cabin. This was a sew along with the online Stashbusters io group. This took place during the week between Christmas (Dec 25th) and New Years (Jan 1). The pattern was presented by Moonkin Stitchery on YouTube and is made using random strips, a jelly roll, or layer cake. I am presently working on this to get it to a flimsey stage so it is ready for my long-arm quilter. I am just a few hours (and seams) away! 

2. T-Shirt Quilt. Oh yes, this is numero uno as it is for my darling grand daughter who is graduating in May. I must have this top completed at least by March so it can go to my long-arm quilter and be done Done by May. ♥ Yep, they are still in the bin but not for long! I have an idea in my head and anxious to get started.


3. Strip it Earth. Love this Garlic Knot type pattern all done in earth-tone solids. I am adding a few solids of my own to expand this quilt into a queen size top. 



4. Jay Bird BOM with Olive Grace. I enjoy working on this in the evenings as it is hand embroidery. Once I catch up on that It will move up into getting pieced and quilted. Stay tuned. This one is a beauty!!

I "sew" miss the Finish-Alongs with SewCanShe. They were popular back in the early 2010s. And such great motivators and sources of inspiration! I think Linky parties have replaced them today. Am I wrong? Please let me know if you are aware of any. 

Happy stitching!

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2024 Finishes

Sauerkraut and pork roast is in the oven and now is a  good time to list my finishes for 2024. It was a fairly good year for finishing UFOs. Not as many as previous years but that is how they sometimes fall. I had one new start (Betty) which was also finished. Aren't I just the disciplined quilter - finishing new projects so they don't carry over into another year? Ha! Should I mention the ones that I started but didn't finish??

2024 = a total of 8 finishes, and I busted through 89 yards of stash. In no particular order: 


1. Merry Mayhem's New Year Mystery - Twist and Shout, 52"x63"  8 yards

2. Merry Mayhem's Mystery Expanded - started in 2016, 85"x85"  12.81 yards

3. Scrappy Quilted Forest Block - a new start, 72"x88" 14 yards


4. Betty, Takes 2 Charm Packs QAL, 52"x64"  8 yards

5. Dear Jane Siggies Quilt, Handquilted, 71"x78"  11.2 yards

6. Wee Wonderland, 76"x76", 13 yards

7. Vortex, 74"x79" 11 yards

8. Traffic Jam 71"x71" 11 yards



A heads up on a few Quilt and Sew-Alongs coming up this new year. Links for these may not work as they come down a few weeks after posting but are available for purchase.

1. Merry Mayhem's Square Dance. Two clues have already been posted and with the prep work out of the way, it is straight sewing during new year's day as each clue is revealed hourly.

2. Scrapdash New Year's Day Mystery. Likewise, fabric requirements and cutting directions have been posted so you can be ready to sew during the first day of 2025.

3. Olde Town, Bonnie Hunter's famous yearly mystery is ongoing with the big reveal expected soon. As of today, her 8th step has been posted on her quips and snips blog.

4.Border Creek Station will soon be posting their 2025 Stashbuster Challenge block pattern.

5. Charming Spirals at Rona the Ribbiter is hosting a winter sew along from January 22 through February 6 using nearly all precuts. Register on her site for free patterns emailed to you weekly.

6.Hidden Log Cabins is a sew along with the Stashbusters online group. I am trying to wrap mine up before the midnight hour...


Happy stitching and Happy New Year!!


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Vortex Finish - a happy surprise

This quilt project goes back a few years. Not sure of the exact date. The idea came about from Crazy Mom Quilts.  Sadly she does not blog anymore and has since moved on with her life. Of course that is not really sad, but I miss reading her blog and her fresh ideas. So that is where this quilt idea came from. 

I initially was not very pleased with its end result as a quilt top. It has been hanging for a few years waiting to be quilted. I even considered tearing some units apart and framing/sashing them with a solid color to give the eye a place to rest. After having it quilted and the binding is now on, I have fell in love with it. ♥ 

So many fabrics that bring back memories of previous quilts and sewing projects. Some of which I no longer have possession of because they have been given away. Little crumb pieces, some larger pieces, leftover scraps both big and small - yes they all went into it. What is not to love, right?


So now she is ready for snuggling under and reminiscing on old quilt projects. I always say I'll have to make another, but this one I would REALLY like to make another. Karen Brown from Get It Done Quilts has an excellent project using crumb pieces. How about a million zillion scrap pieces? This may be my next work in progress as those crumbs just seem to accumulate. (I can't throw scrap fabrics away) I'm imagining this quilt would weigh a ton!

More close ups of my Vortex:

Can you find any familiar fabrics that are may be in your stash?


So my Vortex Quilt is my 8th finish this year (most likely my last for 2024) and I busted through 11 yards of stash bringing my total for 2024 to 89 yards! Actually, I have no idea how many yards went into this quilt but comparing it to my last finish, Traffic Jam - which used 11 yards - it is a good guess. This Vortex quilt is larger than Traffic Jam and has so many more pieces, so it surely has more but that is where I am settling with it.

As every quilter can attest, I also have future projects to work on and dream about. Are you making plans for your new year in your sewing room too? I have already began my list and the year is not over so I may be adding to it.  (Merry Mayhem just posted her New Year's Day Mystery). My UFOs are gradually decreasing, so that is a good thing. I am trying to keep up with what I start and pick off those old unfinished ones. At present, my count of UFOs are at number 21 and that does not include the 8 that are hanging up ready to be quilted. I'm saving those to be hand quilted.

I'm presently hand quilting my Partridge in a Pear Tree wall-hanging. It was a project featured in the Quilter's Newsletter Magazine many years ago. I purchased this half finished project at a quilter's "garage sale". Yeah, imagine buying a UFO when you have a closet full of them! It was so pretty though. And challenging. So why not? Besides, its previous owner, Mary Huey is a quilter I follow and adore. She inspires me! And is an excellent teacher. I hope she is happy with my work.

My Partridge in a Pear Tree is all assembled (after much whining and hissy fits because those dang paper pieced pear blocks were "The Challenge!") and it is being hand quilted now. Hopefully it will be ready for Christmas but if not, it will be for next year's. I am not stressing over such things anymore. It is the joy in the journey that we work, right? 


Merry Christmas to all who celebrate our Lord's birth. So thankful that He came to teach us how to live (love), and died to free us from the slavery of sin. Immanuel. God is with us!

Happy stitching!

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Traffic Jam in Mid-Fall

Are you ready for the cold days of winter? It gets pretty frigid here in NE Ohio with lake effect snow off Lake Erie. We are pretty much caught up on our outdoor chores and are somewhat ready. I am actually looking forward to some cold snowy days because that means Sew Days at my house!


I just finished my scrappy Traffic Jam quilt that was a quilt-along with Pat Sloan several years ago. This was a fun and easy project that will eat up scraps. Mine finished at 71" x 71" and it used up 11 yards of stash.

I found this stray block in the orphan pile so I decided it would make a nice eye-catching label for the back.

This makes my 7th finish this year and I have busted through a total of 78 yards of fabric. Not sure if I will make 100 yards but I'll try.


Another finish I made is with a panel I purchased at last summer's All Ohio Shop Hop.  It is called Origins, designed by Jamie Kalvestran, but I like to call mine Elijah's Ravens. Do you remember the story of Elijah and how he was sustained in the wilderness by ravens bringing him bread and meat in the mornings and evenings? It really was a miracle when you realize that ravens are very independent and would not ordinarily bring food to anyone. They are known to neglect  their own young but they did take care of God's prophet, Elijah.

This is a pretty fabric line. You can find Jamie's fabrics and patterns here. And hey, how do you like that blue painters tape holding up the wall-hanging? Haa! It is on my hubster's list to hang a quilt rack made for me by my darling son-in-law. That wall should work well since it doesn't get too much direct sunlight.

So that is two finishes this month. Bumping up that total yardage used to 81 yards and 8 finishes for 2024. (Elijah's Ravens used only 3 yards of fabric.)

Not much else to report in the way of quilting this month. Its been kind of a slow season in the sewing room. But it might get busy soon. Bonnie Hunter is teasing us with her Old Town Winter Mystery.  Expect the first clue the day after Thanksgiving. And aren't we thankful for Bonnie's free gift?

Happy stitching!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

A Finish in the Middle of a Busy Season

It is apple season! So thrilled to have so many apples but they come with a lot of work as we harvest them. Too bad I did not record how many bushels we have already picked but a conservative guess would be at least 20 bushels. And there are so many more on the trees yet.

Our Cortland and Liberty apples make great pies, applesauce, and (my favorite) jelly! But washing, sorting, and chopping is a lot of work! And I'd hate to see them go to waste.

Here they are ready to put in the stock pot to cook down and strain, once cooled, for apple jelly juice. Because there is so much pectin in apples, you really do not need to add sure-gel, but I have not mastered the skill of knowing exactly when it reaches the jell stage.

A reliable candy thermometer would be helpful. My mother was an awesome jelly maker. Her jellies were perfect. They were jelled, but yet so soft. And melted once it was spooned on toast. Mmmm.

Fall is coming upon us quickly and there is much more to do:  putting the gardens to bed, and preparing for cold weather. I'll be happy when it is finished and I can get back in the sewing room guilt free! Yay!


I have had this quilt finished for a couple of weeks now but have been unable to get a post up to report it. The pattern is called Wee Wonderland and is a super easy pattern to use up a layer cake with.

Basically you just cut a layer cake and a 10" square of a background fabric into a nine patch. Use varying widths each time and you get - not wonky - but irregular shaped 9-patches. Can you spot the "negative" matches? By rotating the blocks you can mix it up even more.

I loved how it turned out and will keep this technique in mind for a future quick project using up my layer cakes I have stored in the pre-cut drawer.

The fabric line was Moda's Bee My Honey and I got lucky to find a yard remnant on ebay for the borders. 

It measures 76" x 76" and I used up 13 yards of stash. This makes my 6th finish this year and a grand total of 67 yards busted out of my stash.

I still have a binding pile upstairs to attack. And my Strip in Earth is all cut and ready to sew together. Isn't it fun knowing you have something cut and ready by the machine so you can sit down and make some serious progress? My motivation is to get it to a flimsy so I can begin Christmas sewing and a challenge project from my quilt guild. But those apples...

Happy stitching!


Did you know?

Did you know that for every weed you pull in the fall - you have killed 7 weeds in the spring? How is that for incentive? It helps when you have chickens with fluffy butts that love scratching and picking through a bucket of pulled weeds that are tossed into their yard. They just purr and cluck in contentment.