Friday, October 29, 2021

My oldest UFO

Where does the time go? I know I have been slacking here but did not realize that my last post was in July! I guess I have a lot to catch up with on...

I finished my Churn Dash quilt in August. These were blocks that I purchased a few years ago on ebay. Made with vintage calicos that were popular in the 80's, these blocks caught my eye. I made wide sashings from my own stash of vintage calicos and set the blocks diagonally for this present setting. 


This ebay Churn Dash finished at ___ and I busted 12.25 yards of stash. 


Another fun finish was my Ladders of Success. This is a pattern from Judy Martin. Remember her? Has anyone designed more patterns than Judy? She's like the Lennon/McCartney of quilting patterns! 

This pattern really appealed to me because of the unique four square settings. I really had to pay attention to their direction as I constructed each block. It could get confusing fast. That is why we quilters have a design wall, right? It is so helpful. 


I made mine square because I love square quilts. They fit nicely on our queen bed. And you can rotate them for even wear. It finished at 83" x 83" and is really a large throw size but still works on our bed.


I love the colors I used also. They were chosen to compliment the main fabric, a black floral from rjr that I have had for many years waiting for the right project. The combinations remind of fall so it shall come out during those first chilling nights in October ... like now. 


And I love using leftover pieces to make a small block-label for the backs of my quilts. I will sign this, including the date completed, and an appropriate Bible verse (because His Word will live forever, whereas my quilts will not)

Oh, and I used up 15 yards of stash for this one.


And on to my oldest UFO! 

I made this for our daughter in 1998 as her Bridal Quilt!  It was made using Rachel Pellman's book, The Country Bride. It is all hand appliqued, and I have many memories of sitting in orchestra practice (for our second daughter) basting raw edges of leaves and bird parts preparing for placement on the quilt. Is this how you do applique too? I love handwork so this preliminary step is not a chore for me. 

I decided on having it machine quilted. My long-arm quilter does excellent work and will soon be retiring, so I thought I had better get this done now. I sure hope Daughter #1 isn't reading this as I hope to give it to her for Christmas this year. You think she will be surprised? Why even the colors are coming back in fashion! <VBG>


This quilt is huge! It finished at 95" x 109" and I went through 20.25 yards of fabric to complete it! It is all bound and ready for signing. 

A closer look at the colors and placement that rests at the top of the bed. If I was sure it wouldn't take me another 23 years to complete, I would start another. I am really pleased with how it nicely it finished. It is a charming design.

On to my next finishes. I have 2 that are in queue for binding. And I am STILL plugging away at my On Ringo Lake quilt. My goal is to reach 100 yards of stash busted this year. I think I might make it! Yay!

I hope you are having success in your sewing room as well.