Wednesday, June 28, 2023

2ND Quarter Coming to an End and I Have a Finish

It is so hard this time of year to make the time for sewing because there are so many things to do on my list for outside work. The garden is finally all planted and my hopes are high that it will grow and produce lots of fresh veggies for the summer dinner table. It has been iffy - we have been in need of rain (one of our driest springs on record). Yesterday and today finally delivered! Yay! 

Then the Canadian fires are being felt (smelled) here in our area. Today was the worse. You could really smell the smoke and there were advisories out for folks with respiratory issues. This is some of the haze this evening but was much worse earlier today.


The bees are busy and I can hear them hum. We have two hives this year. I planted some wide beds of annuals and wildflowers for them to explore. Whatever weeds decide to grow from here on will just be there as I can no longer work around the hives. 

My darling granddaughter has been spending the week with us and her and I have been busy in the sewing room working on a small quilt for her to enter in the county fair again this year. The pattern she chose was a pattern from the May 2003 issue of Quilter's Newsletter Magazine. It is called Gingham Dogs and Calico Cat. 


It is kind of a tricky project as it has monkey wrench type blocks. I did the cutting for her and we numbered and labeled all the units. She studied the diagram and worked row by row. 


Alas! She worked through it and it is nearly a top. Just a few more rows and then the borders. Here she is working the first couple of rows.

You may notice the Churn Dash blocks to her right. I have been slowly getting them sewn together in rows. Anxious to see it put together. 

And in the evenings I am trying to keep up with my Jaybird Quilt Block of the Month with Kori Turner. I am falling behind but am determined to continue to a finish. This is my first embroidered block.


My finish for this quarter is my Trumpet Vine quilt. A pattern by Karen Griska. Oh how I love her patterns! So easy. So affordable. So adorable when finished!

Trumpet Vine measures 54" x 69" and I used up 8 yards of stash from my bright scraps basket (that still holds more scraps for another project). This was a fun and easy project that uses a bit of improv when laying the HSTs down to sew. That is what makes it wonky and fun! 

And I LOVE the backing I found! So much so, that I went back to the shop and bought 6 more yards for future use(s). I think it was called Rainbow Confetti but I do not remember the manufacturer.

I had a few leftover blocks so I saved them for the label as I always try to do. It blends in nicely yet catches the eye. 

This makes my 7th finish this year with a total of 55 yards busted so far in 2023. I have a short stack of quilts ready for binding so I will try digging one out to work on for my next finish. In the meantime, I need to catch up on my embroidery project. I forgot how fun embroidery was. I am enjoying the time spent.

I hope your garden is growing nicely and your sewing efforts are productive. How many irons do you have in the fire? Do you have any embroidery tips or stories to share?

I am learning not to take the simple blessings that come our way for granted. In a moment's notice, things can change. Our neighbors of 20 years have decided to sell and move into a condo. We will miss them. My sister recently passed away. I will miss her too. Our grief journeys can be a roller-coaster ride.

Happy stitching and always pause to give thanks.