Wednesday, March 29, 2017

New Year's Eve Mystery Quilt for Another Finish

It is the end of the first quarter of 2017 and I have another "finish" to report!  
My number 5 listing from my First Quarter Goal List was the New Year's Eve Mystery Quilt I participated in on Yahoo's group, MTMysteryQuilts. 

This, of course, was started on December 31st of 2016 with clues given each hour. The hardest part was keeping up (I didn't) but the motivation was - what will it look like when the final clue comes up?

I usually shy away from Mystery Quilts but because I already had a layer cake and some coordinating fabrics, I dove in. I am glad I did because I love the finished product!

I made mine slightly larger than directed so she finished at 91" x 91". Including the backing, I busted 16 yards of stash! 

It was nicely machine quilted by my long-arm quilter using varigated thread. 
Time to link this up at  the She Can Quilt blog as an official finish!


Rose Wreath Finish

It is the end of the first quarter of 2017 and I have a couple "finishes" to report!

My number 2 listing from my First Quarter Goal List was the Rose Wreath blocks that needed sashing, borders, and quilting. I was really sweating this because I had very little red solid fabric left.

Do you know how hard it is to match a red solid? I found myself very lucky to find a remnant that matched well enough for the binding because I did not have enough of the original. Phew!

I hand quilted this one as it would be sitting on the table and my machine quilting is not my best talent. Besides, I really do love to do hand work. 

It is now ready to link up on the She Can Quilt blog as an official finish!