Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Friendship Stars Finish

(My number 5 on my first quarter goals list)

Japanese Friendship Stars - after teaching a workshop in Ishinomaki Japan, I had each participant sign a friendship star block. 

It is now completed and is a cherished reminder of the people we met and worked with. What a wonderful trip it was and such a wonderful culture! I would love to go back again.
 The New Life Center in Ishinomaki. Counseling and community events are held here to help those who are recovering from the 3-11 tsunami. This building is 3 blocks from the ocean and the water level came up over the second floor. It was one of the few homes that survived the tsunami.

Blocks were arranged for those to sign, while our workshop was set up and ready for everyone to arrive. We even had a  show-and-tell also as one of the lady's mother brought quilts she made! Such talent!

Part of the problem of not completing this wall hanging was that I accidentally shuffled a few of the blocks and I did not know which was the top of each block. This reminded me of how lost I was in Japan. Example...


 Can you tell in the picture on the left which is the hand sanitizer, hand soap, and dish soap? Of course you can guess by the shape of the bottle but try going into the grocery store! What an adventure that was! Pictured on the right is the remote for the AC. Argh!

Happy am I that I have this wall hanging completed and hanging on the wall. And I found the perfect hanger at a Ten Thousand Villages sale! Now I can link this as a finish on She Can Quilt blog.


  1. I have always liked Friendship stars and I really like this variation of Friendship stars with the light square in the center. I like your hanger too, it's perfect for your Japanese Friendship Stars.

  2. Sounds like an amazing time and such a wonderful way to keep the memory fresh. Congratulations on behalf of the 2018 FAL hosts and thanks for linking up.
