Sunday, January 31, 2021

January is no longer slow

Have you noticed that too? There was a time when it seemed like January would drag on forever, but now it just hums along with the rest of the weeks, months, years even. So here we are, nearing February. I hope you are making headway in your sewing room. 

Before we flip our calendars though, I have a finish to report! It is my first for 2021 and it is a doozy. American Patchwork & Quilting had a sew along in 2018, in April I believe. I knew I just had to participate since I had a box full of scraps that would work perfectly for this quilt. And I cannot resist a scrappy quilt of many pieces. Can you?

It is called Sew Many Strips and if there ever was an example to prove that "there are no ugly fabrics, you just need to cut them smaller" - this quilt is one of them. Each brick shape piece is 1.5" x 2.5".


It's finished size measures 96" x 96", with 5,560 pieces, and I busted 19 7/8 yards of fabric to complete it. 

I normally like to use up the stash in my sewing room, but for this one I just purchased one piece of backing. It is quilted in the feathered paisley design. I am so happy with the end result, and because of its size, it is a very heavy quilt.

So on to the next UFO finish I go. I am now concentrating on my Patches of Blue BOM with Edyta Sitar. It has taken me longer than I expected as I am adding my own little appliques to make it my own. It is such a lovely design, just as all Edyta's designs are. My goal is to have it to a flimsy stage by the end of February.

And because you read to the end, I would like to share something I found while purging my patterns and clippings. It was written by an unknown source so if this is you, thank you! It has captured my heart.


The Quilter

Once my fingers touch the threads

Washing, dusting, unmade beds

fade away to nothingness 

And I in complete happiness

Let my heart soar with masters past

The patches blend designs so fast

That time flies by

And there am I...

Peaceful, creative, contented, whole--

Quilting becomes my very soul.

                             ~ Author unknown



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