Saturday, June 22, 2019

Boston Commons

This quilt is actually a copy of a pattern from an old issue of American Quilts named Frank Stella Quilt. I made mine using 2" squares (1.5" finished size) with 3" (finished size) sashing/borders between  each section. The original quilt was made using 1" squares - a true postage stamp quilt. I had a box full of little 2" squares cut and ready for use so I decided go with those. It has been fun to sew them together into units. Isn't that the big drive to the joy of making scrap quilts? Lots of memories are recorded in this one for sure as I remember previous projects made with these fabrics.

My only regret with this project is that I did not make it larger. Hmmm...Just completing my Blue Ridge Beauty, I was cautious of not getting carried away again.(see previous post) Hindsight now tells me I could have added another outside row and it would have been fine. But it is finished now - quilted, binding on, signed and dated. And I am so happy with its completion. She makes a perfect throw over the bed.

Total measurement is 80" square and I used up 15 yards of stash.  

Here is the math I used to compute the total yardage used in this quilt:

There are a total of (2,304) 2" unfinished size squares. 20 squares can be cut per 40" width of fabric. This gives a total of 116 2" strips. (divided 2304 by 20)

2" x 116 strips = 232".  232" divided by 36" equals 6.5 yards.

White background fabric: 
(13) 3" width of fabric strips = 1 1/3 yards
(9) 6" width of fabric strips for final border = 1.5 yards

Binding = 1/2 yard
Backing = 5 yards

6 1/2 yards (squares) + 2 7/8 yards (background) + 1/2 yard (binding) + 5 yards (backing) = 15 yards (averaged up from 14.875)

If you find an error in my computings, please let me know. Who said there wasn't any math in quilting?

This dear quilt makes another finish completed in my 2nd quarter goals for 2019.  


  1. Gorgeous! Way to use up those scraps.

    1. Thanks, Kathy...and yet I still have more. They reproduce in the dark when I am not there I think. :-)
