Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Pretty Pouf Can be a Stash Buster Too

I found this free pattern to make this pretty pouf ottoman on the Better Homes and Gardens site here. You can download a copy and make one of these for your home. They are not complicated and they make pretty additional seating or a foot rest. And they have the bonus of being a great stash buster.

Why is it a stash buster, you may ask? Besides using up the 2+ yards of decorator fabric I had stored, I stuffed it with my many scraps and leftovers from previous projects.

Can you see inside there?

Yep! It is stuffed with all those trimmings, thread ends, and narrow batting pieces you would normally throw away. Do you recognize anything from my previous projects in there? I also stuffed it with some small scrap pieces that were old and/or ugly. Sometimes you just have to let go, right? I even heard someone mention on another list that they stuffed theirs with old clothing and rags but I wanted to keep it designated for scraps. It has taken me some time to fill it, but it is getting close to the final closing seams. 

I lined each piece with heavy interfacing and batting to help keep it from becoming lumpy. And did I mention it was heavy? (but not too heavy)

I'll have to cut out another one from my decorator fabric stash and begin filling again. Someone on Santa's list may find it under the tree this year! In the meantime, I can feel good about not adding more trash to our land fills...even if  it is just a little bit from my sewing room!


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